Liz is a tireless advocate for improved public transit to ensure that Allston-Brighton residents have access to reliable, efficient and affordable public transportation that meets the needs of our growing population and supports economic development.
Allston-Brighton is experiencing an unprecedented wave of development, both residential and lab space, that is not being matched by necessary improvements to our transit system. While many of these projects are labeled “transit-orientated,” there is no current plan for sufficient investment in our public transportation system. Liz understands that now, with the current increase in federal funding, is a crucial time to invest and transform our public transit system.
Green Line Improvements
Liz supports some simple reforms — identified by transportation advocates — that could have a large impact in improving Green Line efficiency. Changes with the most impact include:
bolstering signal priority on Commonwealth Avenue
adding protected bike lanes to Commonwealth Avenue from Allston-Brighton to Kenmore Square
and consolidating T stops while making all the remaining stops fully accessible
These improvements should be given priority in the short-term while we wait for a more extensive overhaul of the Green Line in the longer term, including newer-generation trains.
Commuter Rail Improvements
Liz supports exploring the feasibility of introducing a local light rail service on the existing railway line to expand our mass transit options and reduce carbon emissions. This would include a new commuter rail station in the vicinity of Parsons and Brooks Streets as part of a frequent service between Route 128 and downtown Boston. The commuter rail station at Boston Landing represents a significant investment in our public transit infrastructure, however it needs an expanded schedule to reduce reliance on cars.
I-90/Soldiers Field Road, West Station
The I-90/Soldiers Field Road realignment is a $1.1 billion multi-year project that will have tremendous implications and impact for Allston-Brighton. The approved design, announced in early 2019, was improved by the prolonged and robust advocacy of the I-90 Task Force, which has been meeting for over five years. As the city councilor representing Allston-Brighton, Liz continues to be a vigorous advocate for early construction of West Station as a multimodal transportation hub with a light rail link across the Charles, on the existing Grand Junction railway line to Kendall Square. Timely investments in these infrastructure improvements will be an economic driver for the region. They would also signify Boston’s and the Commonwealth’s serious commitment to reducing carbon emissions by offering viable mass transit alternatives that reduce traffic congestion.
Safe Streets & Traffic Calming
Pedestrian, cyclist and vehicle safety on our streets is essential which is why Liz has secured funding for safe streets and traffic calming measures. She supports data-driven prioritization for new crosswalks and improved street signage and lighting.